Commonly asked questions

If you have other questions that we haven’t answered here, please get in touch.

  • While we prefer that dogs in season do not attend to prevent distractions, we strongly encourage owners to come to class and observe. This way, you won't miss out on any training and can apply what you learn at home.

  • Our classes are conveniently located in parks situated in the Western Suburbs of Perth. Look at the class details to find out the venue for each class.

  • Our classes are offered in blocks of 4 and are non-refundable. If you cannot attend a class, please let us know in advance so we can provide you with an update on what was covered.

  • Yes, even if your dog has previous training, our foundation courses are designed to equip you and your dog with specific skills for dog sports, ensuring long-term success.

  • All dogs can work on foundational skills, but dogs under 12 months of age will be restricted from certain activities, particularly jumping.

  • No, our classes are not suitable for reactive dogs. We recommend seeking a specialist dog trainer or behavioural expert to address reactivity. Some dog sports can be very stimulating and may exacerbate reactivity issues.

  • Your dog must be physically sound to participate in dog sports. Agility requires higher fitness levels, while hoopers can accommodate less fit dogs. Our classes cater to varying fitness levels. If you have concerns about your dog's fitness, please contact us.

  • For class availability, please refer to our Training Classes page.

  • Visit our Training Classes website page to register for the next available class block. We look forward to helping you and your dog develop the skills needed to enjoy dog sports to the fullest!

    • A Crate or stake – this is a must have. There are times during training when you will be asked to leave your dog on their own. A secure crate is by far the safest way to do this especially as the grounds are a public space where off lead dogs are allowed. Whilst we definitely prefer and recommend a crate, a stake is also acceptable.

    • A flat buckle or quick release collar.

    • A lead – preferably 2 meters in length and made from fabric (no chain leads)

    • Toys – Your dog’s favourite toy that they find extremely rewarding (tug toys are great). Please do not bring balls, frisbees or squeaky toys.

    • Water and bowl – This is especially important during the summer months. Don’t forget water for yourself either!

    • Treats – Bring LOTS of treats. You will be surprised how many you will use, especially during beginner classes. Make sure your treats are highly valuable to your dog.

    • A treats pouch that you can wear around your waist and clicks shut. This will provide you with easy access to rewards for your dog.

    • A hungry dog – if you normally feed your dog in the morning we recommend that you delay their dinner until after training. A hungry dog will generally be more eager to work and you also lessen the likelihood of your dog suffering from bloat.

Our Values

Passion for Paws

Our love for dogs is at the heart of everything we do.

Welfare and Wags

We champion healthy and happy lives for all dogs.

Pawsitive Vibes Only

We ensure every interaction is enjoyable, filled with fun and laughter.

Bonding Beyond Measure

We believe in the power of the
human-dog bond to enrich lives.